6th November 2021. Edition One. In this edition: BCCT eNews,
Meet the Candidates,
Upcoming work at Beecroft Station,
Final update on the Haulage Road,
Huge new development in Epping,
The Beecroft Cheltenham Fairies,
Damage to bushland around Beecroft and Cheltenham,
Walter Spencer Bough, City of Parramatta's ePULSE,
Lions Club Christmas Puddings,
Julian Leeser's Newsletters,
Emma Heyde's Newsletter,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews. The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
Meet the Candidates, Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Public Meeting. The NSW Local Government Elections will take place on the 4th of
December 2021. The Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust has reserved
the Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall Welham Street for a "Meet the
Candidates" meeting on Thursday the 25th of November, commencing at 7.30pm.
All candidates for Hornsby Council C Ward and Mayoral elections have been invited.
The Trust approached each candidate to submit a brief profile.
Their profiles can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
Brief resumes of the candidates can be viewed here: (presented in alphabetical order)
Andrea Calilhanna CLICK HERE
Vince Del Gallego and his group CLICK HERE
Dr Verity Greenwood CLICK HERE
Fareeza Khan CLICK HERE
Sreeni Pillamarri CLICK HERE Tamanna Shah CLICK HERE
Epping Civic Trust has agreed work with our Trust and hold a similar Meet the Candidates Meetings:
C Ward, Hornsby Shire Council, at North Epping Sports club on Mon 15th starting 6.30pm.
Epping Ward, City of Parramatta, at Epping Club Tues 16th starting 7.30pm
Current Covid restrictions will apply at all public meetings. Masks must
be worn and you must be double vaccinated. The QR code check in
will be required. Limited seating will be available.
The Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust is investigating the possibility of
streaming this event. If this proves to be practical, a link will
be available on the Trust's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/2119civictrust/
Upcoming Work at Beecroft Station
November update for the Upgrade that is part of the Transport Access Program. CLICK HERE for the October project update document.
Final Update on the Haulage Road Saga The
Trust can provide some good news. The saga of securing funds from
Transport for NSW for Hornsby Council to complete the rehabilitation of
the bushland between the netball courts and Kirkham St Cheltenham is
now resolved. The haulage road was a temporary access road for the
construction of the Metro service facility. The Metro Project was
obligated to reinstate the bushland. Hornsby has now taken over this
final stage of the Metro Project and secured from TfNSW the funding.
Council will now engage professionally trained bush regenerators to
complete the project and rehabilitate the bushland over the next four
years. The Trust would like to thank our local state member Premier
Dominic Perrottet in assisting in procuring the agreed funding for
November 2021
June 2019
Huge New Development due for Epping The next big development in Epping is about to go on public exhibition.
It will be another large high density proposal - 126 units, 22 storeys and 5000 square metres of commercial space.
It is proposed for 56-77 Beecroft Road which stretches from the Epping
Hotel to the Genesis building on the corner of Beecroft and Carlingford
The Epping Civic Trust plans to post more details on its website when the development is open for public comment. https://eppingcivictrust.org/
The Fairies of Beecroft and Cheltenham The
past 12 months' Covid 19 lockdown restrictions have been trying for
everyone, except it seems for our resident fairy population. Yes, the
secret is out, we do have fairies and they are living quietly in
Beecroft minding their own business. While we humans have been locked
away, the fairies have been busy building their homes.
Next time you go walking in the bushland in Chilworth or Fearnley
Reserve, or even in the nearby streets, look very closely at the foot of
the larger trees for the tell-tale entrance doors. Please do not
disturb the fairies as they are likely to go away and live somewhere
else. (many thanks to Robyn Morris).
Damage to Bushland Throughout the Hornsby Shire The
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Hornsby Shire Council have
responded to residents concerns over damage to bushland by Mountain Bike
riders who have been creating berms and jumps on walking tracks.
As a result, Council is erecting new signage at park entrances.
The Trust supports bike riding, but only where it is allowed.
Hornsby Council recognises the need for the public to get outdoors and
exercise and has developed many bike riding facilities including two
extensive facilities in Hornsby and Westleigh . CLICK HERE for details.
If you witness any ilegal activity please contact Hornsby Council on (02) 9847 6666 or National Parks on (02) 8448 0400
Walter Spencer Bough A
long time resident passed away on Wednesday, 27 October 2021. A
memorial service will be held on Saturday, 6 November at St Albans'
Anglican Church Epping commencing at 2pm.
Spencer Bough was a long term member of the Civic Trust joining within
the Trust's first year of operation, he served on the committee for many
years as Publicity Officer, and as Secretary and also served a total of
six years as President in the 1980's.
On Saturday the bowlers will not be playing bowls as a mark of respect
for their team member Spencer Bough. Spencer was very active in bowls
until a few months ago.
Spencer was awarded an OAM for his service to the Airline
industry, he was an Aircraft Instrument Fitter with QANTAS for 47 years.
City of Parramatta's Latest News Bulletin
ePULSE can be viewed CLICK HERE
Christmas Cakes and Puddings The Lions Club is once again this year selling Traditional Christmas Cakes and Puddings. CLICK HERE for details.
Julian Leeser MP. Newsletter dated November 6th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Councillor Emma Heyde's Newsletter dated October 27th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HEREfor
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2021 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.